Restoring My Complexion

Restoring My Complexion

  • How To Keep Your Baby Safe From The Sun This Spring For New Parents

    With spring right around the corner, your baby is going to be spending a lot more time outside in the sun as the weather warms up and transitions into summer. During the spring and summer, one of the biggest health risks to your child are from the sun. Here are a few tips on how to protect your child from the sun this spring and summer. Keep Your Baby Out Of The Sun

  • 2 Natural Sprays To Help Alleviate Head Lice As A Teenager

    Lice can cause a lot of discomfort since it often feels as though there are small bugs moving throughout your scalp. This can lead to intense itching and inflammation. Lice are common in children because they are often in close quarters. However, if you are a teenager, then you may also contract lice and this can be difficult to shake. Going through a number of remedies can easily become frustrating to deal with.

  • 5 Tips For A Comfortable Recovery From Breast Augmentation Surgery

    The decision to have breast augmentation surgery is a complicated one, and typically involves a lot of research and carefully choosing the perfect surgeon. Now that your surgery is scheduled, you may be feeling a bit nervous about the recovery process. With a little advanced planning and special care, your recovery from breast augmentation will be comfortable and safe. Here are 5 tips for a comfortable recovery from breast augmentation surgery:

  • Two Different Non-Surgical Methods For Treating Your Varicose Veins

    Varicose veins are twisted veins that are enlarged and raised above the skin. They are often located in the legs. If you have varicose veins, you may want to get rid of them for multiple reasons. For one thing, these veins are generally going to be painful because your blood isn't flowing through them as smoothly and easily as it should. You may also want to get rid of the varicose veins because you don't like how noticeable they are, and you may feel somewhat self conscious about them.

  • Alternatives To Coffee

    If you feel like you're a zombie when you wake up in the morning until you've had your coffee, you likely know that your body relies on caffeine. You probably get the majority of your caffeine from coffee, which can pose additional problems. You might feel extremely dehydrated because coffee is a diuretic, you might have bad breath after you drink coffee, and you might experience a heightened level of teeth staining.

  • About Me

    Restoring My Complexion

    A few years ago, I began experiencing red, itchy patches on my eyelids and forehead. I began applying moisturizer to my face at this time. Unfortunately, it didn’t help my condition. My trusted physician informed me I might be suffering from the skin disorder psoriasis. This caring individual prescribed a medicated cream for me. Thankfully, the cream soothed my itchy, inflamed skin. If you have an unexplained, skin condition that isn’t responding to home remedies, make visiting your doctor soon a priority. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most common types of skin conditions people seek professional treatment for. Enjoy!